Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Scozzafava Successfully Infiltrates the Republican Apparatus

The Left Finally Cracks Into the National GOP Establishment and Dede Scozzafava is Already Turning All the Right-Wing Animals Loose on Themselves!!!

It took years for one of ours to finally infiltrate the National Republican Party apparatus and wreak civil war within the GOP. Call it the Socialist Watergate of 2009, but with Scozzafava as the Republican nominee in NY-23 we will finally have the keys to the National Republican Party -- and with it -- almost certain access to all its ugly organs of operation

From the very beginning Draft Dede is proud to say that we were supportive of Scozzafava's candidacy. At first we lobbied and advocated for her switch over to the D column. However, it soon became obvious to the left how much better it would be to have one of our own on the inside of the GOP. When Dede wins, she will carry our water and also give us greater insight into the broader internal workings of the right-wing nuts running the corrupt partisans, otherwise known as the Republican House Caucus (talk about a self-inflicted wound).

Dede Scozzafava, a wolf in sheep's clothing. This could be one of the greatest "Alinksy" coup's of all time. It is truly the radical, "keep your friends close... keep your enemies closer," kind of pick-up we could only have dreamed of at this point in the Obama Administration. If it is true as Antonio Gramsci once said, that "base determines superstructure," we will have a social loyalist who can share it all with our movement, a movement that will ultimately and methodically destroy the party of Bush and Cheney. And heads are already rolling on the right!

Just today former Republican Rep. Chris Choccola, a right-wing hack from the Delay era and current leader of the Club for Growth, wrote this in today's Washington Examiner:
Let's be clear about Scozzafava's record. She has not just left the Republican fold a time or two, or even a handful of times. She is the most liberal Republican in the New York Legislature, and undoubtedly would be the most liberal Republican in Congress... This all goes to a larger point. If Scozzafava wins, what kind of 'victory' would that be for the GOP?
At least this wing nut gets it. At least Choccola understands that this would be a "real victory" for the left. And the Susan B. Anthony wasn't far behind either. Their radical Christian brand of denying women's rights in the name of social justice has always been a laughable endeavor, but their public appeal was also a desperate cry for help and a clear sign that the Republican Party is self-imploding because of just one little special election in the middle of no-where New York. President Marjorie Dannenfelser pleads that their entire movement is all on the line:
Recent political developments in New York have set a potentially dangerous precedent that could damage the pro-life cause nationally... Dede Scozzafava, the GOP Candidate, is so bad that she has accepted the Margaret Sanger Award for championing the pro-abortion cause from abortion industry giant Planned Parenthood. Even the Daily Kos, which has long promoted ultra-radical pro-abortion rhetoric, has endorsed her because it did not find the Democratic challenger Bill Owens to be radical enough. Her candidacy is a disgrace to the Republican Party and to pro-life activists nationwide... If Dede Scozzafava wins, she will become the 'poster girl' of pro-abortion Republicans everywhere and more will follow. We need to crush this trend before it begins or our pro-life movement suffers a setback and countless babies will suffer the ultimate punishment.
So naturally, a Scozzafava victory in November would shatter the dreams of House Republicans in 2010, and would further drive a wedge into their chances of re-taking political control over our new government. 

NY-23 should be the political case study of the year for those who want to see how to camoflage our political agendas in the cloak of the GOP and then truly mangle their agenda at each and every turn. This critical race represents the rarest of opportunities to turn the Republicans into a party of great irrelevance. What a blow to the head-scratching, bigoted, schizophrenic losers. After NY-23 they will all be asking themselves which way is right and which way is left. That is when we strike at the very heart of their capitalistic and chauvinistic agendas. 

Dede is our cloak and dagger, the hidden crown jewel who will have legitimized access into the egos and personalities that run the Republican Party and its dirty corporate interests. Whether they know it or not, Dede is the GOP's own albatross. Maybe that is why Markos Moultisas was onto something when he endorsed Dede, or maybe he was just taking a page out of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. Either way, we'll take Dede in NY-23, and either way the GOP is totally helpless.

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